Full Home Inspection or walkthough

Full Home Inspection or walkthough

$275 - $600 = Full Inspection + Detailed Report 

  • Our most common inspection which includes same day report delivery. Pricing varies depending on Sq Ft of property to be inspected. Discounts offered on multiple services.

$25 - $45 Discounts! 

  • FIrst time Homebuyers and Repeat Customers enjoy a discount on our services as a way of showing our appreciation for your business. Thank you! 

$250 - Full Inspection Walkthrough (no report)

  • Take your own notes and enjoy a one on one consultation with Ron. This is for Investors only.

Commercial Properties quoted on an individual basis.

FirePlace, Well-Septic Survey, Well Flow

FirePlace, Well-Septic Survey, Well Flow

$150 - Energy Audits

$150 - Oil Tank Pressure Testing

$150 - Well-Septic Mortgage Survey

$150 - Well Productivity Testing

$75 - Potable Water Testing

$75 - Fireplace / Woodstove Inspection

$75 - Sprinkler System Inspections

$150 - Mold Sampling and Testing

For any other Individual Item inspections please contact us via phone at 208 656 5969.


Radon, Lead Paint, Mold Testing

Radon, Lead Paint, Mold Testing

$150 - Radon Gas Monitoring

$50 - Lead Paint Tests (6 locations)

$400 - Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Testing (allergens, mold spores, fiberglass particles and more)

Other service offered:

Draw Inspections

Pre-sale Inspections

Relocation Inspections

Property WInterization

Thermal Image Analysis Coming soon!!


We Accept all major Credit Cards, Cash, Money Order and Personal Check. Payment is expected before any reports or documentation is released.

Contact Us with any questions or to Schedule your Inspection!